Are you looking for new customers?
How about more repeat business from existing customers?
Of course you are! Let me explain how a newsletter can be a valuable tool.
Newsletters have always been an excellent method to strengthen a relationship, to create the my connection. It creates a familiarity that enhances trust and credibility. Today it is even more convenient to use a newsletter sent out in an electronic version or what is known as an E-newsletter.
A good newsletter is informative, entertaining and an excellent method of passive marketing that can increase your customer base. It is not a sales document yet it can directly connect customers to your business.
Across all your communications your can offer your newsletter as a free gift. Thus your E-newsletter gives you a constantly expanding list of customers and potential customers with minimal effort.
Building Relationships
Providing opportunities for people to sign up for your E-newsletter generates good leads. Grow your database of informed customers. Develop that “know, like and trust” feeling. Then the transition from potential customers into actual customers happen. The my connection that naturally makes it easier to do business with your company.
A big advantage of an E-newsletter is the ability to use active links. An instant shift from your passive marketing document into a direct sales opportunity. Provide links to direct them to your website where they might make a purchase, request a sales letter, find other information or request you contact them directly. Give them the ability to make themselves your new customer.
“Oh wow”
A well written E-newsletter will always have something in each edition that will catch the readers attention and provide an “Oh wow” moment of discovery.
The information you share in your E-newsletter grows their familiarity with you in every edition. Reassure new and existing customers that they want the my connection. Sharing an “Oh wow” discovery by forwarding your newsletter to a friend shows their confidence in you. This type of personal recommendation is the my connection and immensely valuable to your businesses.
An E-newsletter is a serious commitment!
The failure to have a well developed a plan in place before initiating an E-newsletter can doom your effort. A bad first impression can lead to unopened E-newsletters or readers unsubscribing. Start off right. We can discuss and build a solid strategy before creating and implementing an E-newsletter for your company. Are you ready to contact me and start planning?